To add a navigation menu in WordPress, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Access the WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  1. Navigate to Menus: Go to Appearance > Menus. Here, you can manage your site’s menus.
  1. Create a New Menu: Click on the Create New Menu button. Give your menu a name, such as “Primary Menu”.
  1. Add Menu Items: Under Menu Locations, check at least one box to specify where your menu will appear on your site. Common locations include Primary Menu, Footer Menu, etc.
  1. Choose Menu Items: On the left side of the Menus screen, you will see boxes for PagesPostsCategoriesCustom Links, and others. Use these to add items to your menu. You can search for specific pages or posts, add custom links, or even add images using plugins like Menu Image.
  1. Organize Menu Structure: Drag and drop menu items to arrange them in the order you prefer. You can also create submenus by dragging items to the right of a parent item.
  1. Add Descriptions (Optional): If you want to provide descriptions for your menu items, enable the Description checkbox under Screen Options at the top right of the Menus screen.
  1. Save Your Menu: Once you’ve added all the desired items and organized them, click Save Menu to apply your changes.

Remember, the exact steps may vary slightly depending on whether you’re using a classic theme or the Site Editor (also known as the Gutenberg editor). If you’re using the Site Editor, you would add a Navigation block to your site’s header, footer, or template and then add menu items directly within the block.

For more advanced customization, such as changing the font size of your menu or adding a button, you might need to use CSS. You can add custom CSS rules in the Customizer under Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS 

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