Buying and selling domain names, often referred to as domain flipping, can still be profitable, but it’s important to note that the domain market has evolved over the years. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Market Demand and Trends: The demand for domain names has shifted over time. Short, memorable, brandable, and keyword-rich domain names are generally more sought after. Domains related to popular industries, emerging technologies, or trending topics tend to have higher market value. However, the availability of desirable domain names has decreased, making it more competitive.
  2. Domain Valuation and Pricing: Valuing a domain name can be subjective, and its worth ultimately depends on factors such as keyword relevance, length, brandability, extension, and market demand. Rare or highly sought-after domain names have the potential for higher returns on investment, while less desirable or niche-specific domains may have limited profitability.
  3. Marketplaces and Auction Platforms: Several online marketplaces and auction platforms facilitate buying and selling domain names, providing a platform to connect buyers and sellers. Examples include Sedo, Flippa, and GoDaddy Auctions. These platforms can help you reach a broader audience and increase the chances of finding potential buyers.
  4. Domain Portfolio and Investment Strategy: Successful domain flipping often involves building a portfolio of valuable domain names. Diversifying your portfolio across different industries or niche markets can help mitigate risks and increase the likelihood of finding interested buyers. It’s important to research and stay informed about market trends and potential investment opportunities.
  5. Patience and Negotiation Skills: Domain flipping is not a guaranteed quick profit. It often requires patience, research, and effective negotiation skills. It may take time to find the right buyer willing to pay a premium price for your domain name.
  6. Legal Considerations: It’s crucial to ensure that any domain names you buy and sell do not infringe on trademarks or copyrights. Conduct thorough research and seek legal advice if necessary to avoid potential legal issues.

While it’s still possible to profit from buying and selling domain names, it’s important to approach it as a long-term investment strategy, with thorough market research and a well-planned approach. It requires knowledge of the industry, understanding market trends, and being able to identify valuable domain names that have the potential to appreciate in value over time.

buying and selling domain names

While it’s still possible to profit from buying and selling domain names, it’s important to approach it as a long-term investment strategy, with thorough market research and a well-planned approach

Apart from .com, should I invest in other extensions? (eg new domain extensions)

Investing in other domain extensions, such as new generic top-level domains (gTLDs), can be a strategic decision depending on your specific goals and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Target Audience and Geographical Scope: If your business primarily targets a specific country or region, using a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) like “” or “.de” can help establish a local presence and potentially enhance trust and relevancy among your target audience. Consider the geographical scope of your business and whether a specific domain extension aligns better with your target market.
  2. Industry Relevance: Certain new gTLDs are industry-specific, such as “.tech” for technology-related websites or “.store” for e-commerce. If your business operates within a specific industry or niche, using an industry-specific domain extension can help convey relevance and establish a stronger online presence within that industry.
  3. Branding Strategy: The choice of domain extension should align with your overall branding strategy. If a specific domain extension enhances your brand identity, represents your business accurately, or aligns with your industry, it may be worth considering. However, it’s important to strike a balance between brand consistency and user familiarity with more traditional extensions like “.com.”
  4. Availability and Cost: New gTLDs often provide a wider range of available domain names compared to traditional extensions, where finding desirable names may be more challenging. However, availability and pricing can vary. Some new gTLDs may have higher registration or renewal costs. Consider your budget and the availability of suitable domain names within those extensions.
  5. SEO Considerations: From an SEO perspective, the domain extension itself does not directly impact search engine rankings. However, factors like keyword relevance within the domain name, user engagement, and backlink profiles are more critical for SEO success. Focus on creating quality content, optimizing your website, and building relevant backlinks rather than relying solely on the domain extension for SEO benefits.
  6. User Perception and Trust: While .com remains the most recognized and widely used domain extension, newer gTLDs are becoming more accepted and familiar to users over time. Consider your target audience’s perception and trust level regarding newer extensions. If your website delivers a positive user experience, provides valuable content, and is well-branded, users are likely to trust and engage with it regardless of the domain extension.

In summary, investing in other domain extensions beyond .com can be a strategic choice depending on your target audience, branding strategy, industry relevance, and budget. Assess these factors and evaluate the pros and cons to determine if utilizing alternative extensions aligns with your business goals and objectives.

Other domain tips