In terms of control over updates, unmanaged hosting gives you complete control over the timing and process of applying updates to your server. This includes updates to the operating system, web server software, PHP versions, and any other software components installed on your server. Since you are responsible for all server management tasks, you decide when to apply updates and how to test them to ensure compatibility with your website.

With managed hosting, the hosting provider takes on the responsibility of keeping your server and the software on it up to date. This means they will handle the installation of updates, including security patches and software upgrades. While managed hosting simplifies the process of staying current with updates, it also means you have less direct control over when and how these updates occur. Typically, managed hosting providers will notify you of upcoming updates and give you the option to delay them if necessary, but the actual implementation of updates is managed by the provider.

In summary, with unmanaged hosting, you have the autonomy to decide when and how to implement updates, which can be beneficial for businesses that require precise control over their server environment. On the other hand, managed hosting abstracts away much of the complexity associated with server management, including updates, allowing you to focus more on your website’s content and functionality.

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