To find domain registration details (domain owner), you can perform a WHOIS lookup. WHOIS is a protocol that provides information about registered domain names, including the owner of the domain, the registrar, and the dates the domain was registered and last updated.

Here are a few steps to get started:

  1. Visit our WHOIS lookup
  2. Enter the domain name you want to look up in the search box and click the “Search” button.
  3. The results of the WHOIS lookup will be displayed, showing information such as the registrant’s name, address, email, phone number, and the registrar’s information.

Please note that some domain owners choose to keep their information private, so the WHOIS results may not provide full details in all cases. Additionally, certain domains may have restrictions on WHOIS lookups due to privacy laws or other reasons.

In this case drag the cursor to the bottom of the screen, you will see the “Contact Domain Holder” link. Clicking that you can contact the domain owner.

Alternatively you can use ICANN’s registration data lookup tool or check the domain’s website: Look for any contact information or an “About Us” section on the website associated with the domain. You may be able to find contact information or a way to get in touch with the owner through the website.

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