1. Injection.

It’s not uncommon for web applications to have injection flaws, especially SQL injection flaws. A hacker who finds one will send malicious data as part of a command or query. The attacker’s message tricks the app into changing data or executing a command it was not designed to obey.

keeping you and your customers safe from hackers and other online threats.
keeping you and your customers safe from hackers and other online threats.

Malicious users can exploit injection flaws if a site isn’t configured to validate input. Attackers might attempt to trick websites into providing unauthorized data, prevent specific site functions, or locate other vulnerabilities to exploit. SQL injection attacks are the most common, which execute SQL queries entered in a text form.

2. Cross-site Scripting.

Cross-site Scripting flaws occur whenever an application sends user-supplied data to a web browser without validating it first. Hackers use these flaws to hijack users away from the site or deface it, thereby costing the site owner in lost business.

3. Insecure Direct Object References.

Applications that lack checks to verify a user is authorized to view particular content can be manipulated to access private data.

Other threats

  • Broken Authentication Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF).
  • Security Misconfiguration.
  • Insecure Cryptographic Storage.
  • Insecure Cryptographic Storage.
  • Insufficient Transport Layer Protection.
  • Invalidated Redirects & Forwards.

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