Keep your site clean and secure. Every time shoppers place an order, they’re trusting you to keep them safe from hackers who steal information or spread spyware and viruses.
Malware is short for malicious software. It’s a catch-all term that describes harmful applications or other malicious code such as adware, spyware, trojan horses, worms or viruses.
Malware comes in many forms, from an unwanted ad reappearing on your site to an executable file that infects visitors who click on it. Telltale signs that your site is infected can include unexplained ads, links or pop-ups, but some malware can have no noticeable effects at all.
Your best defenses against malware are staying current with third-party application patches and using strong server passwords. When checking for the presence of malware, be sure to check the code residing on your server and not your backup files. Always use a virtual machine for verification to avoid infecting your own computer.
We cannot assist you with removing malware from your server. Consider taking your site down immediately to prevent infecting visitors, and take action quickly to identify/remove it.
Defend your website