Spam – Not Just for Dinner
No matter what you do on the Internet, there’s going to be spam. That’s a given. Unfortunately,
that includes your WordPress site. Spammers spend countless hours creating robots, or “bots,”
that crawl the Web looking for places to spread their wares, and your new WordPress site won’t
stay o” their radar for long.
WordPress comes pre-installed with Akismet, a top-notch spam filter installed by default.
Akismet references a community-created database to “learn” which comments are comment
spam and which are legitimate. It’s a real time saver. Because there are three things that are for
sure in this life: death, taxes, and spam on your blog. To enable Akismet on your WordPress
blog, go to the Plugins panel and activate Akismet. A menu is added to the Comments Panel and
holds a list of “caught” comment spam.
If comment spam gets through Akismet’s net, mark it as comment spam in your Comments
Panel, but don’t delete it. Marking it “comment spam” sends the info to Akismet and it gets
added to the community-created database, thus reducing more spam for others. So you’re
helping yourself, and everyone else, at the same time!
Be sure to check the Akismet list to make sure it hasn’t marked legitimate comments as spam.
It’s good, but it’s not perfect.
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