SiteLock protects your web investment, keeping you and your customers safe from hackers and other online threats.


Without SiteLock

The hacker plants malware on Geoff’s site.

Geoff’s customers begin to see offensive messages and leave in disgust, swearing never to return.

Some visitors are taken to a fake site, where they submit their bank information without suspecting a thing.

By the time Geoff notices something’s wrong, customers are rioting on Twitter. It’ll take months to undo the damage.

With SiteLock

The hacker plants malware on Kathleen’s site.

SiteLock’s daily scan discovers the malware, notifying Kathleen of where it took place. With her SiteLock Premium plan, the malware is removed automatically so Kathleen can stay focused on her business.

Kathleen’s customers continue to browse her site, safely and without interruption, as SiteLock keeps scanning in the background.

Kathleen gets back to business without any downtime. Her customers stay safe and her reputation stays golden.

See more information about SiteLock protect your website here

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