HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) are both protocols used for data transfer over the web. However, they differ mainly in terms of security.

  • Security: HTTP sends requests and responses as plain-text messages, making them vulnerable to interception by unauthorized parties. On the other hand, HTTPS includes authentication and a layer of encryption that keeps sensitive information secure during transfer from browser to server.
  • URL Scheme: In HTTP, URLs begin with “http://”, while in HTTPS, URLs start with “https://” .
  • Port Numbers: HTTP uses port number 80 for communication, while HTTPS uses port number 443.
  • Certificate Requirement: HTTP does not require any certificates, while HTTPS needs SSL Certificates.
  • Data Transmission: In HTTP, data is transferred in plaintext, while in HTTPS, data transfer occurs in ciphertext.
  • User Trust: HTTP should be avoided due to concerns about data security. In contrast, HTTPS is preferred because it enhances user confidence in the security of their data .
  • SEO Ranking: HTTP does not improve search ranking, while HTTPS helps to improve search ranking.
  • Performance: HTTP is faster than HTTPS due to the overhead of encryption and decryption in HTTPS.

In summary, while HTTP is simpler and faster, HTTPS provides a higher level of security, making it a preferred choice for websites dealing with sensitive information.

Equip your website with HTTPS now!