Top Level Domain for Learning Institutions

The top-level domain (TLD) for learning institutions is .edu. It is a sponsored top-level domain (sTLD), meaning that it is sponsored by an organization other than the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). In the case of .edu, the sponsor is the Education Network Information Center (EDUCAUSE).

To be eligible to register a .edu domain, an institution must be accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. This requirement was implemented in 2001 to restrict the use of the .edu TLD to legitimate educational institutions.

In addition to .edu, there are a number of other TLDs that are commonly used by learning institutions, including:

These TLDs are open to registration by anyone, regardless of accreditation status.

.AC for Learning Institutions

Anyone can register a .ac domain, but it is most commonly used by:

  • Educational institutions: Schools, colleges, universities, research institutes, and other educational organizations can use a .ac domain to create a professional and credible online presence.
  • Individuals in the academic community: Students, professors, researchers, and other individuals who work in academia can use a .ac domain to create a personal website or blog, or to host their academic portfolio.
  • Businesses and organizations that serve the academic community: Companies that sell educational products and services, or that provide support to the academic community, can use a .ac domain to create a website that is targeted to their audience.

.ACADEMY for Learning Institutions

The .academy domain extension is perfect for any organization, institution, or individual that provides educational services or resources. This includes:

  • Schools and universities: K-12 schools, colleges, and universities can use a .academy domain to create a website that is dedicated to their educational programs and offerings.
  • Online course creators: Individuals and businesses that create and sell online courses can use a .academy domain to create a professional and credible online presence.
  • Tutors and coaches: Tutors and coaches can use a .academy domain to create a website that showcases their services and expertise.
  • Other educational organizations: Non-profit organizations, museums, and other organizations that provide educational programming can also use a .academy domain to create a website that is dedicated to their educational mission.

In addition to educational organizations, .academy domains can also be used by businesses and organizations that provide products and services that are geared towards the academic community. For example, companies that sell educational software, textbooks, or other educational materials can use a .academy domain to create a website that is targeted to students, teachers, and other educational professionals.

.COLLEGE for Learning Institutions

The .college domain extension is intended for use by accredited colleges and universities. However, it is open to registration by anyone, regardless of accreditation status. This means that businesses and organizations that are not accredited colleges or universities can also register .college domains.

Here are some of the types of organizations that should register .college domains:

  • Accredited colleges and universities: Accredited colleges and universities can use .college domains to create a professional and credible online presence for their institution.
  • Community colleges: Community colleges can also use .college domains to create a website that is dedicated to their educational programs and offerings.
  • Vocational schools: Vocational schools can use .college domains to create a website that showcases their programs and helps them to attract new students.
  • Online learning platforms: Online learning platforms can use .college domains to create a website that is targeted to students who are interested in taking online courses.
  • Educational resource providers: Businesses and organizations that provide educational resources to colleges and universities can also use .college domains to create a website that is targeted to their audience.

.EDUCATION for Learning Institutions

The .education domain extension is open to registration by anyone, regardless of accreditation status. However, it is intended for use by educational institutions and organizations that provide educational services or resources. This includes:

  • Schools and universities: K-12 schools, colleges, and universities can use a .education domain to create a website that is dedicated to their educational programs and offerings.
  • Online course creators: Individuals and businesses that create and sell online courses can use a .education domain to create a professional and credible online presence.
  • Educational organizations: Non-profit organizations, museums, and other organizations that provide educational programming can also use a .education domain to create a website that is dedicated to their educational mission.
  • Businesses and organizations that serve the academic community: Companies that sell educational software, textbooks, or other educational materials can also use a .education domain to create a website that is targeted to students, teachers, and other educational professionals.

.INSTITUTE for Learning Institutions

The .institute domain extension is open to registration by anyone, but it is most commonly used by educational institutions, training organizations, and other organizations that provide specialized instruction or knowledge. This includes:

  • Trade schools: Trade schools can use a .institute domain to create a website that showcases their programs and helps them to attract new students.
  • Professional organizations: Professional organizations can use a .institute domain to create a website that provides resources and support to their members.
  • Think tanks: Think tanks can use a .institute domain to create a website that shares their research and insights with the public.
  • Research institutes: Research institutes can use a .institute domain to create a website that promotes their work and attracts new collaborators.
  • Other organizations that provide specialized instruction or knowledge: Any organization that provides specialized instruction or knowledge can use a .institute domain to create a website that promotes their programs and services.

.SCHOOL for Learning Institutions

The .school domain extension is open to registration by anyone, but it is most commonly used by accredited schools, colleges, and universities. It is also used by other educational institutions, such as private schools, charter schools, and vocational schools.

Here are some of the types of organizations that should register .school domains:

  • Accredited schools, colleges, and universities: Accredited schools, colleges, and universities can use .school domains to create a professional and credible online presence for their institution.
  • Private schools: Private schools can also use .school domains to create a website that showcases their programs and helps them to attract new students.
  • Charter schools: Charter schools can use .school domains to create a website that provides information about their school and its programs.
  • Vocational schools: Vocational schools can use .school domains to create a website that showcases their programs and helps them to attract new students.
  • Other educational institutions: Other educational institutions, such as early childhood learning centers, tutoring centers, and after-school programs can also use .school domains to create a website that provides information about their programs and services.

.TRAINING for Learning Institutions

The .training domain extension is open to registration by anyone, but it is most commonly used by organizations that provide training services. This includes:

  • Corporate training companies: Companies that provide training to their employees can use a .training domain to create a website that showcases their training programs and services.
  • Professional development organizations: Organizations that provide professional development opportunities to their members can use a .training domain to create a website that promotes their programs and events.
  • Software training companies: Companies that provide training on software programs can use a .training domain to create a website that showcases their training programs and services.
  • Online learning platforms: Online learning platforms that offer training courses can use a .training domain to create a website that promotes their courses and services.
  • Other organizations that provide training services: Any organization that provides training services can use a .training domain to create a website that promotes their programs and services.

.UNIVERSITY for Learning Institutions

The .university domain extension is open to registration by anyone, but it is intended for use by accredited universities and colleges. However, it is open to registration by anyone, regardless of accreditation status. This means that businesses and organizations that are not accredited universities and colleges can also register .university domains.

Here are some of the types of organizations that should register .university domains:

  • Accredited universities and colleges: Accredited universities and colleges can use .university domains to create a professional and credible online presence for their institution.
  • Online universities and colleges: Online universities and colleges can also use .university domains to create a website that showcases their programs and helps them to attract new students.
  • University and college departments: University and college departments can use .university domains to create websites that are dedicated to their specific programs and research areas.
  • University and college organizations: University and college organizations, such as student clubs and alumni associations, can also use .university domains to create websites that promote their activities and events.
  • Businesses and organizations that serve the university and college community: Businesses and organizations that provide products and services to universities and colleges can also use .university domains to create websites that are targeted to their audience.