Website Security is a simple tool for maintaining security on your websites and servers.

Website Security scans your websites for potential security-related issues such as pharmaceutical hacks, redirect hacks, backdoor file hacks, Trojan viruses and many more. If Website Security finds an issue on your site, we will notify you as soon as it’s found, along with the next steps you need to take.

Which Website Security features are available depends on the type of Website Security plan you have.

What is Website Security Express?

If your site is infected with malware, you’ll want it cleaned, and fast. Website Security Express is a malware cleanup service that removes most malware infections from your domain or website automatically within hours. This includes pharmaceutical hacks, redirect hacks, backdoor file hacks, Trojan viruses, and many more.

Note: Blacklist removal can take longer than malware removal, due to processing time. Google, for example, can take up to 24 hrs to review and delist a domain.

Benefits of Website Security Express

Website Security Express includes the following:

  • Starts scanning your site immediately after setup
  • Most sites are cleaned within 2-4 hours
  • No website size limitations
  • Email notification upon scan completion
  • Provides you with all the benefits of Website Security Deluxe throughout the following year

See our website security plans here.