Spin.co Is The Top Sale! Sold 515 USD on 08/27/2016 Via NameJet.

Some similar domain sales report:

  • spin.co 515 USD 2016-08-27 NameJet
  • spinc.com 3,500 USD 2013-07-03 Sedo
  • spin.org 3,400 USD 2011-11-09 SnapNames
  • spind.com 1,100 USD 2011-08-02 Sedo
  • spind.at 476 USD 2007-12-12 Sedo

NameJet is the leading venue with 8 domain sales out of top 10 .CO domain sale reports as spin.co, wuliu.co, nld.co, spb.co, twn.co, vrl.co, businesses.co and edc.co.

  • We offer $9.99/yr cheap .co domain registration service plus free extras
  • Note: Please keep in mind that these are the Highest top 10 Domain Sales on 8/27/2016 that have been reported today  8/28/2016. It is not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Since Many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both.