Google Search returns the most relevant and useful sites in response to a user query. For that reason, the results Google shows to a user in China can vary from the results returned to a user in Japan.


If your site has a generic top-level domain, such as .com or .org, and targets users in a particular geographic location, you can provide Google with information to help it determine how your site appears in our search results. This improves Google Search results for geographic queries, and it won’t impact your appearance in search results unless a user limits the scope of the search to a certain country.

Google treats the following as gTLDs.

Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs)


Regional top-level domains

Although these domains are associated with a geographical region, they are generally treated as generic top-level domains (much like .com or .org).


Generic Country Code Top Level Domains

Google treats some ccTLDs (such as .tv, .me, etc.) as gTLDs, as we’ve found that users and webmasters frequently see these more generic than country-targeted. Here is a list of those ccTLDs (note that this list may change over time).


If your site has a country-coded top-level domain (such as .ie, NOT in the Generic Country Code Top Level Domains) it is already associated with a geographic region (in this example, Ireland). In this case, you won’t be able to specify a geographic location.

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