A – What is DNS and why do I need to manage it?

  • Every domain name is given a series of numbers known as an IP address — for example, the IP address for www.coolexample.com is It’s this number that your browser uses to locate a particular website.
  • When you type a domain name into your browser, the DNS (Domain Name Server) looks through a huge database to find the IP address you requested and then directs your browser to the correct website content.

What is DNS (Domain Name Server)

B – Why Premium DNS?

Proper DNS management and security is critical in keeping your website, email and online applications up and running. Premium DNS makes it easy to manage and secure your DNS so your website is always available, performing reliably and safe from hackers who try to reroute your site and steal sensitive customer information.

  1. Faster performance, 99.999%† uptime guarantee Join our Premium DNS infrastructure and be confident your visitors can find you fast – no matter where they’re located throughout the world – with the Anycast DNS Network. Our world-class network is distributed across North America, Europe and Asia for increased performance and reliability.
  2. Reduce “website not found” errors You know that “website not found” errors make it look like your site doesn’t exist, but did you know that the inability to access a website is related to DNS issues 30% of the time?
  3. Mission-critical Secondary DNS Power outages and Internet routing problems can take down your primary DNS, making your website unavailable and leaving your visitors high and dry! Premium DNS provides a secondary DNS to deliver your domain name and keep your website accessible.
  4. Close security gaps All DNS systems worldwide have the same vulnerability – hackers can redirect your visitors to a malicious website or intercept their personal information. Premium DNS uses advanced DNSSEC security to protect your site and your visitors from these kinds of attacks.
  5. Easy to use for beginners, powerful for experts You don’t have to be a computer whiz to use Premium DNS. Our online dashboard makes it easy to manage and make updates to your DNS. If you’re an advanced user, you can drill down with more technical features. You can also get 24/7 access to expert support from certified DNS professionals.
  6. Works with any budget Only LuckyRegister – Cheap Domain Registration, Domain Hosting Services – offers the most comprehensive solution on the market at such an affordable price.

Close security gaps All DNS systems worldwide have the same vulnerability

C – Premium DNS Includes:

  • 99.999%† uptime guarantee
  • Manage unlimited domains (zones)
  • Unlimited records
  • Secure up to 5 domains with DNSSEC
  • No overage fees
  • Reliable, fast Anycast global network
  • Templates to create, save and reuse zone settings
  • Mission critical secondary DNS with syncing (unlimited domains)
  • Advance logging and reporting
  • Built in error checking

Premium DNS Includes 99.999% uptime guarantee

D – How It Works

What good is your website if visitors can’t reach it? Premium DNS makes it easy to resolve common issues that prevent people from accessing your site, improving your overall performance, availability and security.

Better security
  • Problem: Hackers attempt to hijack your site and steal customer data.
    Hijacking is a risk with all DNS systems around the world. It’s a common way for hackers to steal private information. When a customer types in your Web address, the hacker interrupts the DNS lookup process and sends the user to a fake and malicious site that may look like your website.
    Solution: Premium DNS (enabled with DNSSEC) creates an unbreakable “chain of trust” between the visitor’s browser and your server, verifying that the visitor is actually arriving at your website.
  • Problem: Keep all Web exchanges private.
    Another way hackers steal credit card numbers and other sensitive information is through “eavesdropping.” Hackers sit on the DNS server and “listen in” on messages, logins and passwords as customers access your site.
    Solution: By verifying the visitor is at the intended website, Premium DNS shuts eavesdropping down.
Greater reliability
  • Problem: “Website not found” errors cause you to lose visitors and sales.
    It’s never good when users get a “website not found” error. At best, they think you’re unprofessional; at worst, they think you don’t exist.
    Solution: Premium DNS makes sure your site is always available by using the Anycast global network, which provides multiple layers of redundancy. Your DNS records are distributed on servers throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia, so if one server should go down, your website will still be online. With unlimited secondary DNS, you always have a failsafe in case of a major outage.
Faster performance
  • Problem: Visitors experience delays or “time outs” trying to reach your site.
    There’s a lot riding on the physical distance between your visitors and your server. Customers who live far away may experience a delay in reaching your site or even get a “website not found” error message. The more cable between your server and your customer’s computer, the longer it takes for them to reach your site.
    Solution: The Premium DNS infrastructure offers improved security and faster resolution than the standard infrastructure. And since your information is distributed across DNS servers around the world, customers connect to the closest server location for a quicker response.

Visit our Premium DNS page to see more information

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