We offer .COM Cheap domain registration, cheap domain transfers & renewals service and full top level domains and Country Code Domains with cheap domains sales.
Note: Please keep in mind that these are .COM Top Domain Sales report for 06/27/2021 that have been reported today 06/28/2021. It is not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Since Many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers.

unews.com20,279 USD2021-06-27GoDaddy
domainagency.com13,056 USD2021-06-27GoDaddy
clientheartbeat.com7,000 USD2021-06-27GoDaddy
courtesies.com5,088 USD2021-06-27BuyDomains
senado.com3,550 USD2021-06-27DropCatch
alexvisani.com3,550 USD2021-06-27GoDaddy
propertytoken.com3,226 USD2021-06-27DropCatch
usaproperties.com3,102 USD2021-06-27GoDaddy
divorcehelpforparents.com2,959 USD2021-06-27GoDaddy
mycleaner.com2,900 USD2021-06-27GoDaddy
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