Website Protection Site Scanner identifies security flaws and vulnerabilities in your published website. Vulnerabilities are sort of like holes, and attackers can get in through the holes to make your website perform actions or do things you probably didn’t intend when you created the site.

Website Protection Site Scanner checks up to 6 clicks deep from the main menu and/or 1,000 pages in your website for malicious links, phishing exploits, cross-site scripting (XSS) and more than 3,000 common vulnerabilities and security flaws. Its daily scans detect vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting in your website by following internal links, submitting forms, posting comments and performing other tests. Scans identify malware and phishing exploits by verifying the URLs in your website with industry-trusted “reputation” resources, such as the Google® Safe Browsing List and PhishTank®.

Scan results display in a scorecard on your account dashboard where Site Scanner ranks issues by severity. Every issue includes details about the vulnerability and suggestions for how to fix it in your website. If you need help, you can contact a security expert using the email address or phone number in the Site Scanner dashboard.

When your website receives a passing score, you can display a date-stamped Site Scanner seal. The seal assures visitors that your site is vigorously scanned daily for security threats and is safe to browse.

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